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Florida can’t afford toxic chemicals polluting the water their economy depends on. Contact your representatives today


Trained and safe farmworkers=less pollution in the water our economy depends on. Contact your representatives today


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Contact your representatives about better inspections, the crystal clear water that runs our economy depends on it


Less than 2% of FL farms are inspected for compliance with pesticide safety each year. This is negligence.


Make the economic incentive for the agriculture business to keep their toxic chemicals out of the water the rest of our economy depends on. 


FL needs toxic chemicals out of the water their economy and health depends on. Demand better training for workers


We can’t control the wind or water. We can control people who violate pesticide safety. Contact your representatives

Industry Impact

All graphic will appear on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

For the following, square versions will be used on Instagram and rectangular versions will be used on Facebook and Twitter.


FL's crystal clear beaches brought 97.3 million visitors. That’s a lot of revenue. Don’t let that be destroyed by pesticide pollution.


Pesticide pollution endangers FL’s ranking as the 2nd best destination for snorkeling and scuba diving in the US


Pesticides pollute FL Springs, some of the most scenic, crystal clear waters in our state. 


Pesticide pollution can wipe out fish meaning a loss of employment and profit for the fish industry in Florida. 


Violations to pesticide safety regulations, run off, and drift get pesticides into the water FL’s economy depends on. 

Farmworkers of Florida

For the following, square versions will be used on Instagram and rectangular versions will be used on Facebook and Twitter.


“Empezaron a ir seguido. Entonces nos empezaron a dar clases, que llevaban a unas 10. Y luego llevaban otras, y asi. Pero fue ya a lo ultimo cuando ya estaba uno ya *se rasca la piel*. Entonces decían que tenía que ponerse la gente con mangas largas y usar tenis o botas y todo asi, pero nada más era cuando pensaban que iban a ir inspeccionar.” 


“[Inspectors] started going often. Then they started to give us classes; they would take a few or 10. Then others would go and like that. But that was at the end, when you were already *scratches.* Then they would say that we had to put on long sleeves, tennis shoes, boots, and everything like that, but that was only when they went to inspect.”


“Las pesticidas son una cajita de pandora donde hay muchas violaciones.” 


“Pesticides are a little pandora’s box where they are a lot of violations.”

Caption: “Entrenamiento? Para realizar el trabajo pues ninguno, solamente haces eso y te explican tantito y aprendes como puedas; eso es para realizar el trabajo. Pero hablando sobre los químicos y los pesticidas ellos solamente te ponen un video y en ese tiempo también solamente el video era en ingles y tu le entiendas lo que veías en las imágenes y lo que no tu te lo arreglas como tu puedas.”


“Training? To do the job well none. Only do this and they explain a little and you learn how you can; that’s to do the job. But speaking of chemicals and pesticides, they only show you a video, and in that time the video was also only in English, and you understand what you see in the images and the rest you figure out how you can.”

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